Town of
Herkimer County, NY

LOCAL LAW 1 of 2016 Grievance Day Date Change


LOCAL LAW #1 – 2016


A local law changing the meeting date of the Board of Assessment Review of the Town of Danube.


BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Danube, County of Herkimer, and State of New York as follows:


SECTION1.  Purpose.  The State of New York has granted the governing body of an assessment unit, which employs an assessor who is at the same time employed by another assessing unit, the power to establish a date for the meetings of the Board of Assessment Review other than that provided by State Law.

SECTION 2. Date Established. The Board of Assessment Review for the Town of Danube shall meet on June 7, 2016 from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm.


SECTION 3.  This local law 1-2016 is to amend Local Law 1-2005.


Effective Date. This local law shall take effect immediately.